Stó:lō Nation identifies 158 child deaths, potential unmarked graves at former residential schools, hospital

The Stó:lō Nation in B.C.’s Fraser Valley says its probe into missing children and unmarked burials has so far identified, with certainty, 158 children who died at or because of their attendance at three former residential school sites and one former hospital…

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‘Truth telling gathering’ held in Regina, recalling residential school trauma

On Sept. 16, Keeseekooose First Nation held an event called the ‘Truth Telling Gathering’ where people shared stories of their traumas from the residential school systems, in an effort to help the community heal…

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‘The children wanted the truth out there’ — Marie Clements on the residential school drama ‘Bones of Crows’

To write and direct a TV series is a daunting thing. To write and direct a TV series that distils decades of trauma that has touched — and still touches — thousands upon thousands of people is another thing all together…

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Residential school searches: What is ground-penetrating radar?

Ground-penetrating radar began making headlines after Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc announced the discovery of 215 potential unmarked graves at the site of a former Kamloops Indian Residential School. Since then, countless First Nations communities have employed the technology to conduct similar searches…

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