For boys who died at North America’s first residential school, reburial offers peace to the living and dead

When Tamara St. John saw a boy’s teeth and skull being exhumed from his 142-year-old grave at a cemetery in Carlisle, Penn., she cried. The South Dakota state legislator from the Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyate tribe had stood in the pouring rain for almost 12 hours, watching over the painstaking process that would bring home her “boys” […]

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Senate Committee provides little pushback on Catholic representatives over residential school documents

The Senate Committee on Indigenous Peoples may have been shocked two weeks ago when witnesses told them about the difficulties they were having in accessing Catholic Church records for children who attended Indian residential schools, but this morning Senators did little to push representatives from the archdiocese…

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Catholic archdiocese including Sask. releases long-awaited residential school records

A Catholic archdiocese that includes parts of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Ontario released long-awaited residential schools records this week. The news comes as religious leaders face accusations they are keeping information about the largely church-run institutions secret. Archbishop Murray Chatlain says the…

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