Winnebago Tribe sues for return of children buried at Indian boarding school

The Winnebago Tribe is suing the federal government to recover the remains of two children who died at the Carlisle Indian Industrial School, one of the most infamous legacies of a genocidal era in U.S. history. A lawsuit filed on Wednesday accuses the U.S. Army of failing to follow the Native American Graves Protection…

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University of Alberta Indigenous association hosts talk on how to confront residential school denialism

Benjamin Kucher, president of the Indigenous Graduate Students’ Association (ISGA) at the University of Alberta, says denialism about the harmful legacy of Indian residential schools has picked up. He doesn’t have to go far to illustrate his point. As the association prepares to host University of Manitoba historian and…

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At least 33 Canadian churches have burned to the ground since May 2021. Only 2 were accidents

In a barren field of sagebrush alongside a road through the Osoyoos Indian Band, Chief Clarence Louie stands atop a concrete pad and surveys the rubble in front of him. This used to be the front entrance to St. Gregory’s, the simple wooden church that hosted countless community celebrations, dinners and religious services, on the […]

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Indian Residential School Newsletter for the Province of Ontario

Anishnabek Nation Reconciliation Department in partnership with Nishnawbe Aski Nation have released an Indian Residential School Newsletter for the Province of Ontario. Please view the full Winter 2023-2024 Newsletter here. Trigger Warning: readers may be triggered by the recount of Indian Residential School…

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