Canada says that 85% of the TRC Calls to Action are either complete or well under way. Indigenous Watchdog says, “Really?”

On December 15, 2023 the Honourable Gary Anandasangaree, Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations, the Honourable Dan Vandal, Minister of Northern Affairs and the Honourable Patty Hajdu, Minister of Indigenous Services, issued the following statement to mark the eighth anniversary of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Final Report…

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MPs look to legislate progress on TRC calls to action, harsher sentences for assaulting health-care workers

There are more than 30 private members’ bills currently on Parliament’s horizon at various stages before the House and Senate, including one from NDP MP Peter Julian, who’s looking to make some long-awaited progress this winter in completing the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s now almost decade-old calls to action…

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Calls to Action Accountability: A 2023 Status Update on Reconciliation

IT HAS NOW BEEN eight years since the release of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Final Report and the 94 Calls to Action. Eight years since Trudeau personally promised to fully implement all 94 Calls to Action, a promise he reiterated a few years later when expressing that no relationship was more important to Canada […]

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Report says ‘zero’ calls to action completed by feds in 2023

A report released Wednesday by the Yellowhead Institute took aim at the federal government’s lack of progress in implementing calls to action from the Truth and Reconciliation’s final report that was released in 2015. The report writers have said that they are “are exasperated by the deep chasm between the two and frustrated by…

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