For boys who died at North America’s first residential school, reburial offers peace to the living and dead

When Tamara St. John saw a boy’s teeth and skull being exhumed from his 142-year-old grave at a cemetery in Carlisle, Penn., she cried. The South Dakota state legislator from the Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyate tribe had stood in the pouring rain for almost 12 hours, watching over the painstaking process that would bring home her “boys” […]

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Cedar-planting event in B.C.’s Cowichan Valley honours residential school victims, survivors

A cedar-planting event in British Columbia’s Cowichan Valley honoured residential school victims and survivors and their families on Sunday, and also aimed to educate about the history of the schools.  The family planting day, put on by the Quw’utsun Cultural Connections Society, commemorated survivors of the former…

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Community Builders Awards: Honouring Elder, advocate and residential school survivor Shirley Roach-baa

Shirley Roach-baa passed away in August 2021, but her lifelong journey of learning and healing will continue to teach the rest of us for generations to come. Shirley is a survivor of the Shingwauk Indian Residential School who spoke on the national stage about the abuse and trauma she faced in that system…

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