Senate Committee shocked by difficulties faced gathering residential school records from Catholic Church

Saskatchewan Treaty Commissioner Mary Musqua-Culbertson didn’t mince words when she spoke to members of the Senate Committee on Indigenous Peoples Oct. 25 about the difficulty in accessing Catholic Church records for Indigenous residential schools. Not only has her office come up against barriers in trying to acquire student…

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Delorme hopes to bridge the gap between government and witnesses for residential school records

Cadmus Delorme has been tasked with bringing the “worldviews” of the Canadian government and Indigenous survivors together when it comes to identifying and acquiring all relevant records for Indian residential schools.“No one’s opposing this,” said Delorme, chair of the Residential Schools Documents Advisory Committee…

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U of T’s 2023 Orange Shirt Day event centers Residential School Survivor Storybase

On September 29, U of T held its fourth annual institution-wide event commemorating Orange Shirt Day. The day, observed on September 30, honours Indigenous children who did and did not survive the residential school system and highlights Canadian institutions’ need to actively seek reconciliation.  The ceremony highlighted the Indian Residential School Survivors’ Storybase — a resource…

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Sask. police remove roadblocks for Indigenous people reclaiming names

Indigenous people whose names were changed by the residential school system will have an easier time reclaiming their names thanks to a change by police across Saskatchewan. The new move by the Saskatchewan Association of Chiefs of Police will remove barriers for those who are seeking to reclaim their Indigenous names…

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