CBC Indigenous: Letitia John died at a residential school. Her identity was lost until now

When the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation (NCTR) unveiled its student memorial register in 2019 of children who died in residential schools, those behind it acknowledged it was far from complete. Among the 2,800 names on the register at the time, at least one raised eyebrows. One entry was not even truly….

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U.S. team to digitize Quaker boarding school records, drawing inspiration from Canada

OTTAWA – A coalition advocating for Indigenous Peoples forced to attend boarding schools in the United States is planning to digitize 20,000 archival pages related to schools that were operated by the Quakers…

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Residential school survivor on the effort to get a meeting with the Pope

Evelyn Korkmaz is a survivor of St. Anne’s residential school in northern Ontario. Next month, she will be part of a group of residential school survivors traveling to Rome as part of an effort to get a meeting with Pope Francis…

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Calls for residential school abuse records to be re-examined for names of deceased

Geraldine Shingoose was shocked when she opened a report probing what should be done to protect potential unmarked grave sites at former residential schools for Indigenous children. Of the thousands of former students who detailed the abuses they suffered to an adjudicator tasked with determining their eligibility for compensation…

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