Class action seeks compensation for Indigenous day school survivors in Quebec

A new class-action lawsuit is seeking compensation for Indigenous people who attended day schools in Quebec that were under the jurisdiction of the provincial government. A Quebec Superior Court judge authorized the lawsuit last month on behalf of Indigenous people who allege they received lower-quality education than other Quebecers…

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Doug Cuthand: Inquiry into ’60s Scoop could help with victims’ healing

In her groundbreaking novel, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, the writer Harriet Beecher Stowe introduces the character Topsy. She is a young, enslaved girl who has been abused and treated like property. When asked where she came from, she replies, “I was never born, I just growed…

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Foster-care system maintains brutality of residential schools, Natuashish woman tells inquiry

A woman who delivered powerful testimony to an inquiry into children in care hopes that no other Innu children from Labrador are moved thousands of kilometres away from their homes and family.  “I was alone. I felt alone for many years,” said Natuashish resident Munik Penashue, who spoke publicly about her experiences to the Inquiry…

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