Ottawa woman, 97, charged with historical sexual assaults at residential, day schools

Ontario Provincial Police have laid three gross indecency charges against a 97-year-old Ottawa woman, alleging she was involved in sexual assaults in the 1960s and 1970s in northern Ontario residential and day schools. In a news release, OPP said someone contacted them late last year about incidents “at residential and day schools…

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Third-party investigation on sign questioning unmarked Indigenous graves set to go ahead

A councillor in the village of Murray Harbour, P.E.I., who has been asked to resign over a message displayed on a sign on his property was not at a council meeting Wednesday night to hear a speech by the chief of Abegweit First Nation. The sign on Coun. John Robertson’s property called into question unmarked […]

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A childhood lost: The stories of residential school survivors and why they continue to raise their voices

Linda Buffalo’s motion sickness began when she was just seven years old, loaded into the back of a truck from her home First Nation and taken to residential school. The next eight years would be forever etched into her memory, the trauma showing through to this day…

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Sask. police remove roadblocks for Indigenous people reclaiming names

Indigenous people whose names were changed by the residential school system will have an easier time reclaiming their names thanks to a change by police across Saskatchewan. The new move by the Saskatchewan Association of Chiefs of Police will remove barriers for those who are seeking to reclaim their Indigenous names…

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