Chief, mayor call for Murray Harbour councillor’s resignation over ‘triggering’ sign

A councillor in the village of Murray Harbour, P.E.I., is being asked to step down after a sign on his property carried a message offensive to residential school survivors and other members of the Indigenous community. The wording has now been removed from the sign, located on property owned by Murray Harbour Coun. John Robertson…

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Survivor remembers excitement of going to residential school – until he arrived

Norman Kistabish says he remembers when he was seven years old, he wanted to follow his brother to the Saint-Marc-de-Figuery Indian Residential School. The excitement of joining his sibling quickly vanished when he saw and experienced abuse in the school. “The day I arrived I was hungry. I was so hungry. At supper time I ate…

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PBCN begins ground penetrating radar search of former residential school site in Sturgeon Landing

A historical moment took place in Sturgeon Landing on Friday. Elders, survivors, and community members of the Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation (PBCN) gathered together in ceremony to launch an official ground penetrating radar search at the former site of St. Therese Indian Residential School. “I am grateful to host this gathering…

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Residential schools tried to eradicate Mi’kmaw. The language needs help to survive Social Sharing Facebook Twitter Email Reddit LinkedIn

Teacher Noreen Sylliboy stands in front of a class of Grade 5 students and starts with a simple lesson that names the days of the week and the seasons, speaking in a language that only a few thousand Nova Scotians know.  She is trying to do her part to revitalize Mi’kmaw, a language that Canada’s […]

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