CBC Indigenous: Letitia John died at a residential school. Her identity was lost until now

When the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation (NCTR) unveiled its student memorial register in 2019 of children who died in residential schools, those behind it acknowledged it was far from complete. Among the 2,800 names on the register at the time, at least one raised eyebrows. One entry was not even truly….

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‘We are sorry’: Newfoundland and Labrador makes first apology for residential schools

Newfoundland and Labrador’s premier delivered a solemn apology Friday to residential school survivors in southern Labrador, nearly six years after it was first promised. Andrew Furey’s apology to the NunatuKavut Community Council in a small gymnasium in Cartwright, N.L., was met with a standing ovation from…

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You Are Not Forgotten Carcross/Tagish Cross First Nation

Our thoughts are with Carcross/Tagish First Nation as leadership announces their most recent findings at the site of the former Chooutla Indian Residential School. NAN stands in solidarity with the community as they continue this important work. Truth and understanding are crucial to obtaining justice, and we need to maintain awareness…

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Searching for truth at Brantford institute ‘for the children who aren’t here today’

She taught them Mohawk languages. Now, she’s working alongside her former students in a quest to uncover the truth of a troubling past. Diane Hill, a retired teacher from Six Nations of the Grand River, was taken to the Mohawk Institute Residential School on Nov. 22, 1963, at the age of seven. She was beaten […]

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