An elopement, quarry carving and letters home: records shed light on Pipestone’s Indian boarding school

Raymond Derby never knew much about his great-grandparents’ lives a century ago at an Indian boarding school in southwestern Minnesota — only that they were among the thousands of students who attended the school over a 60-year period, from 1893 to 1953. Today, however, he knows his great-grandmother was a “strong-willed” woman who ran away […]

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Funding cap on residential school searches ‘like a slap in the face,’ N.W.T. survivor says

Some residential school survivors and families in the N.W.T. are criticizing a change to federal funding for searches of former residential school sites.  The federal government is also facing backlash after it announced last week it would put a $500,000 annual cap on future searches. Previously, communities could get up to $3 million per year from the Residential Schools Missing Children […]

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Senate report calls for Canada to compel Catholic entities to release residential school records

Indigenous peoples continue to struggle to access complete and timely records about Indian Residential Schools, according to a new report by the Senate standing committee on Indigenous Peoples. The report, Missing Records, Missing Children, was released Thursday and includes 11 recommendations to improve access to residential school records, including for the Canadian government to compel […]

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