Woodcrest teen creates powerful residential school documentary

THUNDER BAY – Challenged to come up with a history project for her Grade 8 class, Annika Harrison decided it was time to have a very frank discussion with her father. The 13-year-old student at Woodcrest Public School knew her father, now in his mid-60s, had been traumatized while attending the Pelican Lake Residential School…

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Families should decide who has access to residential school records, conference hears

Data sovereignty was under discussion in Ottawa on Wednesday at an event held by the National Advisory Committee on Residential School Missing Children and Unmarked Burials, also known as the NAC. According to Laura Arndt, head of the Six Nations Survivors Secretariat, there is a “lack of trust with government officials and institutions…

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Residential Schools special interlocutor sees mandate extended

The Special Interlocutor whose mandate is to assist survivors, families and Indigenous communities in searching for their children who never came home from Residential Schools will have her mandate extended into the fall, the federal government announced recently. Independent Special Interlocutor for Missing Children and Unmarked Graves and Burial Sites associated with Indian Residential Schools […]

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St. Joseph’s Mission site should be ‘place of healing’: WLFN

The Williams Lake First Nation (WLFN) says the future of the former St. Joseph’s Mission residential school site remains uncertain as investigations at the site continue. WLFN Kúkwpi7 (Chief) Willie Sellars said the First Nation is in conversation about how to proceed with the site, but the path forward is complex. “It needs to be […]

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