Community calling on Justin Trudeau to visit former residential school site

Community leaders of the Saddle Lake Cree Nation are calling on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to visit their community, following the discovery of the remains of a child at a former residential school site…

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Grave excavation at former Northern Alberta residential school planned this summer

An investigative team plans to dig up what they believe is a mass grave this summer in Saddle Lake to give residential school students they suspect are in it proper burials.Members of the Acimowin Opaspiw Society gave an  update at the River Cree Resort in Enoch Cree Nation Jan. 24 of their investigation into students who…

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‘Evidence of a genocide’ found during search of Alta. residential school: First Nation investigators

GRAPHIC WARNING: This article contains details readers may find disturbing. An organization investigating unmarked graves near a residential school in eastern Alberta says it has uncovered “physical and documented evidence of a genocide.” The Acimowin Opaspiw Society (AOS) released details of its preliminary report Tuesday into “missing children and unmarked burials” at the former site of […]

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Tseshaht First Nation receiving $2.7M to find more unmarked graves around residential school

On Friday, November 16th, the c̓išaaʔatḥ (Tseshaht) First Nation and the Canadian government announced that $2.7 million would be given in funding to try to identify additional unmarked gravesites around a former residential school near Port Alberni. The Alberni Indian Residential School operated from 1892 to 1973 under the United Church…

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