Community calling on Justin Trudeau to visit former residential school site

Community leaders of the Saddle Lake Cree Nation are calling on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to visit their community, following the discovery of the remains of a child at a former residential school site…

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Iqaluit to host national gathering on unmarked graves at residential schools

Unmarked burials and the experiences of Inuit and northern communities will be the focus of a conference opening in Iqaluit later this week. Participants from across the country will attend the sixth National Gathering on Unmarked Burials, running Jan. 30 to Feb. 1 at the Aqsarniit hotel…

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Documentary on legacy of B.C. residential schools wins directing award at Sundance Film Festival

A documentary chronicling the devastating legacy of residential schools in B.C. is among breakout films at this year’s Sundance Film Festival.  Directors Julian Brave NoiseCat and Emily Kassie received the jury prize for directing in the U.S. documentary category for Sugarcane about the investigation into the abuse and missing children…

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Grave excavation at former Northern Alberta residential school planned this summer

An investigative team plans to dig up what they believe is a mass grave this summer in Saddle Lake to give residential school students they suspect are in it proper burials.Members of the Acimowin Opaspiw Society gave an  update at the River Cree Resort in Enoch Cree Nation Jan. 24 of their investigation into students who…

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