‘The children wanted the truth out there’ — Marie Clements on the residential school drama ‘Bones of Crows’

To write and direct a TV series is a daunting thing. To write and direct a TV series that distils decades of trauma that has touched — and still touches — thousands upon thousands of people is another thing all together…

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Residential school searches: What is ground-penetrating radar?

Ground-penetrating radar began making headlines after Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc announced the discovery of 215 potential unmarked graves at the site of a former Kamloops Indian Residential School. Since then, countless First Nations communities have employed the technology to conduct similar searches…

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Regina United Church garden designated as space for reflection on Canada’s residential school history

Elders, church members and residents gathered in a small churchyard in Regina’s Cathedral neighbourhood Sunday. They were there to officially open the Westminster United Church healing garden, a churchyard reimagined and dedicated to reflection on Canada’s residential school history…

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Traditional carving representing Indian Residential School survivors makes stop in Regina

A monument representing a dark chapter of Canada’s history is making a stop in Regina. The monument is a traditional carving, standing 18-feet tall and weighing over 7,000 pounds. It is meant to represent the thousands of children who went through the Indian Residential School System…

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