As white settlers made their way through North America, claiming the land as their own and forcibly moving Indigenous tribes out of their way, they also provided a place for children. In the name of Manifest Destiny, the white settlers set up residential schools for native children. Here, children were taken from their tribes and […]

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Exhibit at Red Deer Museum highlights unidentified, yet unforgettable faces of Ermineskin residential school

A travelling exhibit now at the Red Deer Museum + Art Gallery (MAG) entitled ‘George Littlechild: Here I am — Can you see me?’, which is on until Aug. 17, aims to shine an even brighter light on the horrific realities of the residential school system. The exhibit’s 22 pieces are by well-known Cree artist George […]

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APTN National News July 30, 2024 – Residential school survivor, advocate Garnet Angeconeb has died | APTN News

Garnet Angeconeb, a residential school survivor and staunch advocate for other survivors has died. He was 68…

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U.S. should apologize for Native boarding schools where hundreds died, officials say

At least 973 Native American children died at U.S.-funded boarding schools they were forced to attend, according to a federal report released Tuesday after a years-long investigation. The report also identified 74 sites where children were buried on school grounds, including 16 in Oklahoma. Officials acknowledged the true death toll is likely higher than what […]

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