Government takes over residential schools from churches in 1969

Warning: This video contains distressing details. Sweeping changes are on the way in 1969 as church authorities relinquish control of the residential schools they’ve run for decades, reports Craig Oliver. Aired May 1, 1969 on CBC News. About 150,000 First Nations, Inuit and Métis children were forced to attend the government-funded residential schools from the […]

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Residential school deniers show us colonialism is still rampant

When more than 200 unmarked graves were discovered at Kamloops Residential School in 2021, a movement to uncover the extent of residential school graves gained traction. As evidence pointed to the existence of thousands of unmarked graves, a disturbing number of residential school deniers came out of the woodwork and into the public eye — so much so that if you search “residential […]

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Woodcrest teen creates powerful residential school documentary

THUNDER BAY – Challenged to come up with a history project for her Grade 8 class, Annika Harrison decided it was time to have a very frank discussion with her father. The 13-year-old student at Woodcrest Public School knew her father, now in his mid-60s, had been traumatized while attending the Pelican Lake Residential School…

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Families should decide who has access to residential school records, conference hears

Data sovereignty was under discussion in Ottawa on Wednesday at an event held by the National Advisory Committee on Residential School Missing Children and Unmarked Burials, also known as the NAC. According to Laura Arndt, head of the Six Nations Survivors Secretariat, there is a “lack of trust with government officials and institutions…

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